January 16, 2015

The book discovery functions of Accelerated Reader will soon be enhanced with more opportunities for students to find books that might appeal to them. These updates will include a more seamless search interface, more variety in the books identified, and an indication of the books available in your library.


An intuitive search interface helps students to identify the books they might like to take a quiz on. A single click takes students from the search item to the screen, while books with Vocabulary Practice quizzes also allow students to browse the vocabulary list.

Screenshot of the Accelerated Reader book discovery search

Non-fiction and award winners

Once students have taken a quiz, they will be shown several books that they might also be interested in reading. This feature has been enhanced with the introduction of separate rows of titles for fiction, non-fiction and award-winning books.

Screenshot of the Accelerated Reader book discovery non-fiction and award winners

MARC Records

Schools that have imported MARC Records now see an icon indicating that a book is stocked in the library. This icon is displayed both under the book covers and in the pop-out panel showing more information about the book. This helps students to select books that will interest them, from their own library, as soon as they have completed a quiz.

In order to use this feature, you will need to import your MARC Record files from your library management system.

Screenshot showing how to import MARC Records

  1. On the Home page, click Accelerated Reader, then either Manage Quizzes or Preferences.
  2. Click MARC Record Import. On the Preferences page, this is in the list of School preferences; on the Manage Quizzes page, the link is under Actions on the left side of the page.

Screenshot of the Accelerated Reader book discovery with MARC records

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