Improving classroom efficiency and supporting teachers through technology

As classrooms become more diverse and students’ needs become increasingly complex, it’s crucial to find innovative resources that alleviate the burden on teachers and empower them to focus on what they do best: teaching.

Automated assessment

Star Assessments are intelligent computer-adaptive assessment tools that allow teachers to quickly and accurately measure student progress.

With automated scoring and real-time data insights, teachers can instantly identify knowledge gaps and tailor practice accordingly, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual marking.

Data-driven practice

Our comprehensive suite of data analytics tools equips teachers with actionable insights into student performance and growth.

Teachers can track progress, identify struggling students, and intervene with targeted interventions. These reports also provide a holistic view of class performance, making it easier for teachers to differentiate practice and address the diverse needs of their students.

Personalised learning paths

Our practice resources such as Accelerated Reader and Freckle provide personalised learning paths for students.

By automatically recommending books and maths activities based on individual abilities and interests, teachers can save time searching for appropriate materials and differentiating practice.

A growing family of assessment, teaching, practice, and data insight solutions

Our solutions offer streamlined assessment, personalised learning, and reduced teacher workload.

With products like Accelerated Reader, Renaissance Star Assessments, myON, Freckle, and Nearpod, teachers can quickly identify learning gaps, tailor practice, and engage pupils. Our resources promote equity and inclusivity, bridging the achievement gap and unlocking student potential.

Star Assessments

Computer-adaptive Star Assessments for reading and maths are used by over 7,000 schools across the UK and Ireland

Star Reading

Star Reading is a complete online assessment of your students’ reading growth. It shows you the skills they have mastered aligned with the National Curriculum.

Star Maths

Star Maths is a complete online assessment of your students’ mathematical skills, testing 50 skill areas in ten domains.

Star Early Literacy

Star Early Literacy allows you to accurately and reliably assess 41 skill sets in ten critical literacy and numeracy domains.

Accelerated Reader

Motivate, monitor, and manage student’s independent reading practice with Accelerated Reader and watch as students develop a genuine love for reading.


A multimedia, cross-curricular teaching and learning tool that helps students/pupils acquire the essential skills to become fluent readers.


Deliver engaging, differentiated maths practice and reward achievement.


Get real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons, interactive videos, gamification, and activities — all in a single platform.

Renaissance Consultancy

We offer various services, from single-school data insights to whole-trust support. Our mission is to help you implement and embed Renaissance products with success.

Freckle will adapt and tailor tasks to the unique needs of each student without requiring staff to change our lesson planning drastically.

Having seen the positive impact Accelerated Reader can have at another school, I knew this meant utilising the abundance of data and insight AR and Star Reading provide.

For reluctant readers and those who aren’t typically enthusiastic about reading, myON is a fantastic tool.


Awards and accolades

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Discover why thousands of teachers choose practice and assessment solutions from Renaissance.