Back to School Set-up

Since your Renaissance site was upgraded last Summer, there are some important changes to be aware of when setting it up for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Increased password security for personnel accounts.
    • There will now be a minimum requirement of 14 characters, including at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one number, and one special character.
  • Localised Year Groups
    • You can now import with Scottish, Northern Irish and Republic of Ireland year groups. There is no need to use English Equivalents. Click here for more information.
  • Improvements to Reporting
    • SGP scores will be available much quicker, so reports will now be viewable within a few minutes of a student completing their Star Test.

End-of-Year Reports

Generate/save reports for the current school year.

You cannot run these reports once your school year has ended.

  • Student Progress Monitoring Report– This report contains intervention progress information – helpful for teachers who will be working with the same intervention students next year or for sharing with those teachers who will be providing intervention to your current students next year.
  • Screening Report– This report cannot be generated for a previous school year. Therefore, we encourage teachers to save a copy at the end of the current school year for all screening periods, so you can continue to benefit from and compare data.
  • Annual Progress Report– This report displays a student’s progress across a school year compared to a National Norm Reference or a year-end target.

Back to school

Back to School Checklist

You must be set up for success in the new academic year; we have created a checklist of the essential tasks which must be completed.

myON how to videos

For additional information regarding your new school year set-up, please click here to view our ‘How To’ videos


Back-to-school guide


Back-to-school guide