December 7, 2018

Post updated: 29th October 2019

teach_first_logoFor a third year, Teach First is partnering with Renaissance to reduce the workload for its trainees in schools by making use of data gathered through Renaissance Star Assessments.

As part of its training programme, Teach First gathers data on student progress from its participants both to help them with understanding assessment and reflecting upon their practice, and to ensure its training programme is always delivering good outcomes for pupils. However, Teach First is keen to avoid trainees duplicating data entry.

To better align with school processes, Teach First would like to offer that where a participant is using Renaissance Assessments they need not enter pupil data elsewhere for the organisation. However, to do this, Teach First must gain permission from schools to allow Renaissance to share participants’ Star Assessment data with Teach First. Teach First will only ever receive anonymised pupil data for classes taught by Teach First trainees and not for any other classes in the school. Teach First will solely use this information for the purposes for which it already uses Pupil Progress Data, namely the continuous improvement of its training programme.

Many schools signed an agreement last year to enable this process to work. Schools that are new to Renaissance or to Teach First will be sent an agreement to sign along with an explanation of what the agreement entails by February half term. If you believe that this email has not been received, or if you have any questions, please email your Teach First point of contact copying in

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