We speak to Vice Principal Neil and P5 Teacher Darren, who have both marinated strong usage of Renaissance solutions throughout what has arguably one of the most destructive years in their educational careers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Star Reading and Star Maths, help staff set personal targets for each pupil.”

Darren explains that Renaissance solutions, including Star Reading and Star Maths, help staff set personal targets for each pupil. He elaborates by suggesting that the collective target of a masterclass is a benefit for staff. He declares that Renaissance solutions are easily accessible for all pupils, which subsequently opens the door for all abilities to develop and master the set skills within Star Assessments.

“Star Maths and Star Maths are crucial for intervention strategies with pupils’ maths development.”

Neil argues that the school relies on the assessment data within Star Reading and Star Maths and how both solutions inform further learning strategies. Finally, he affirms that the school have a tight evaluation and monitoring process. Neil says that at Christ The Redeemer, teachers evaluate pupils who have difficulties with AR or Star Maths, and they must subsequently note what interventions they’re going to put in place based on the assessment data.

Darren explains how pupils cope with quizzing; he states that they’re exceptionally beneficial for motivation and self-development. Both AR and AM ensure pupils can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Darren suggests that some pupils even look forward to quizzes, especially if they’ve just finished reading a big book or if they’re in a rich vein of continuous progress. He also emphasises the importance of instant feedback.

“The school will continue to use Star Assessments as we feel they offerr the best way to monitor intervention.”

Darren reveals that it is part of the school’s intervention process for staff to ensure that pupils are ready for the following item of work, a book to read or a skill to master. Darren affirms that it’s always crucial to think that, as a teacher, is this right for the specific child in terms of ability and enjoyment. Darren maintains that Star Reading and Star Maths assessments are crucial to painting a compressive picture of the pupil’s overall development, even if they’re not as fun as quizzes!

Neil emphasises that the school still use myON as a helpful reading engagement resource because of these logistical obstacles. He suggests that without myON and making Accelerated Reader quizzes accessible from home during the lockdown, the school wouldn’t have had a way to monitor and maintain reading engagement remotely.

In the future, Neil would like to see Star Assessments fully repacing the school’s other EdTech resource for standardised assessment data. He claims that ensuring Star Assessments are the sole provider and analyser for all ongoing assessment data will support staff, parents, and students in the discussion.

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